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Month: March 2017

Looking for an Adventure? Take Up a New Sport

Scuba diving

Are you looking for a new hobby or activity to do solo, with family or friends? If you would also like to be more physically active, you may be interested in exploring one or more outdoor sports activities.

Have you ever gone camping? In 2012, people that enjoy this outdoor living experience went camping about 5 times. Depending on where the campgrounds are located, possible activities include hiking, rock climbing, and fishing. Some campgrounds may offer classes where you can learn the proper rock climbing techniques.

Another fun activity that is common at campgrounds is archery. Were you aware that archery can develop almost all of your muscle groups? It’s also a great way to improve your hand-eye coordination.

Swimming, scuba diving, and paddle boarding are also fun activities. If you’d like to go scuba diving and aren’t certified, however, you’ll need to take a series of classes to receive your certification. In addition to learning scuba diving basics, and safety procedures, you’ll also learn how to use your scuba diving equipment.

While you’re in the process of becoming certified as a beginning scuba diver, you can go snorkeling and diving. Both of these activities are great ways to experience the wonders beneath the ocean.

If you live or are vacationing in an area that allows skating on sidewalks or has a skating park, you might be interested in taking up rollerblading. This sport, according to the American Heart Association, is an effective form of cardiovascular exercise.

In addition to being fun, these activities are also a great way to let off some stress. Furthermore, they also provide opportunities to spend quality time with friends and family.

Since many people believe travel is a meaningful activity, you may want to schedule a camping or other type of trip with friends. Most of the trips that people take, roughly 70%, are so they can spend time with their friends.

People in general tend to feel happier when they’re engaged in regular fun, physical activities. Include a bit of healthy competition, a meaningful experience, and the feel-good quotient might just increase exponentially.

Stop Wasting Your Life Away Inside: 3 Tips for Improving the Way You Spend Your Free Time

scuba divingThe weather is finally getting nicer and it’s time for outdoor activities. Outdoor sports and hobbies are always fun and can give you something really exciting to look forward to each weekend. Here are a few outdoor activities to think about trying this year that will improve your relationship with nature.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving, although you can’t do it whenever you want in your backyard, is still an amazing way to spend your time. Perhaps it’s best that you can’t scuba dive as much as other activities because it might lose some of its magic. But even going diving as much as you can this year, like every weekend or so, you’ll end up developing a lifelong love for scuba diving and the water.


People who don’t golf don’t really understand why people who do golf actually love it so much. They might say it’s boring or too difficult or just not fun. Those people will also admit they are hypocrites as soon as they go golfing and begin to appreciate the sport and look forward to it every weekend. The keys to developing a love for golf, are: to golf with your friends and good company, practice as much as you can and not hate yourself when you aren’t doing well, and give yourself plenty of time while you’re playing to actually appreciate the outdoors and how much fun you’re having.

Hunting and Fishing

This might not be for everyone, but for those who are fans of these great outdoor sports will look forward to a nice fishing trip or a day of hunting more than anything else in their life. On average, the average hunter in the U.S. spends about $1,638 on hunting equipment at sporting goods stores.

It’s time to improve how you spend your free time. No more wasting your days away in front of the TV or ignoring the outside world. Get out there and have fun! If you need any fishing equipment, scuba gear, or anything else for your newfound outdoor hobbies, visit Bill Jackson’s sports store today!