Are you looking for a way to get your child into a sport, but all the usual suspects (soccer, basketball, field hockey, etc.,) aren’t working? Have you considered looking into a gymnastic class for kids? There are tons of benefits of gymnastic classes and gymnasts often go on to dance or cheerlead if they don’t continue to pursue gymnastics later in life. The skills your child will learn in gymnastics will stay with them for the rest of their lives and can help hone motor skills if started at a young age. Your child may be further inspired to try gymnastics or continue to practice by watching young gymnasts at the Olympics. For example, in 2004, Carly Patterson was only 16-years-old when she won the Olympic gold medal in Women’s All-Around gymnastics. So let’s talk about some of the benefits of gymnastics and where you can find gymnastics classes.
What are Some of the Benefits of a Gymnastic Class for Kids?
Gymnastics is a great way to keep your child active, in a day and age where more and more kids spend an increasing amount of time in front of a screen, whether that’s a phone screen, TV screen, or computer screen. Indeed, it’s estimated that kids now spend over seven and a half hours a day in front of some type of screen.
Given that it’s recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that kids between the ages of six and 17 get an hour of physical activity every day, and that only one in three kids are physically active daily, gymnastics provides a great (and fun!) outlet.
Furthermore, kids will be able to hone their balance, flexibility, and strength through gymnastics exercises. Gymnastics can also be started young; the American Academy of Pediatrics says that it’s okay for kids between the ages of two and five to start gymnastics, as long as the classes are appropriate for their maturity and motor skills. Gymnastics can help kids develop these motor skills like tumbling, running, throwing, and catching.
Kids will also learn how to interact with one another as a team and also take personal responsibility in improving their skills.
Will Gymnastics Continue to Benefit My Child Later in Life?
Some gymnasts may not choose to pursue gymnastics past a certain age, in favor of taking up other sports like dancing or cheerleading. Interestingly enough, around 98% of all female cheerleaders used to be gymnasts. Additionally, having a disciplined athletic routine as a child can make it easier for some people to continue exercising all throughout their life. They may also have a better awareness of their bodies, like how far they can push it and what it needs to be truly healthy.
The skills learned in gymnastics, such as athleticism, balance, strength, discipline, and more, will serve your child well in whatever future endeavors he or she picks up. And, they may have lifelong friends from their team, as well as many positive memories from that time in their lives.
Where Can I Sign My Child Up for Gymnastics?
If you’re interested in a gymnastic class for kids, consider seeing if there’s a gymnastic academy in your area, which will offer the most specialized training. Some gyms and sports centers may also offer a gymnastic class for kids and teachers there might be able to refer you on to other place or teachers, if they see potential in your child.
Talk to other parents in the area too and see if they have any leads on where you might find a gymnastics class and positive reviews of a few places. Of course, a localized Internet search can also yield many results quickly.
Get your child off to the right start in life when you put an emphasis on being active early. Gymnastics may lay an excellent foundation for them both physically and mentally and give them skills that they’ll take well into adulthood.