Follow Rules, Use Common Courtesy When Flying Your Drone

From kites to wooden planes to radio controlled planes, there has always been a fascination with making things fly. In today’s fast-moving world of technology, kites and remote controlled planes have been replaced in popularity by drones or as they are sometimes called, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Approximately 400,000 drones were purchased as Christmas gifts in 2015 and the drone industry is now worth more than $3 billion. Between 2016 and and 2020, sales of small, hobbyist drones are expected to rise from $1.9 million to $4.3 million.
For all the fun that drones provide, it’s important to follow safety procedures and protocol when it comes to flying them. More than 770,000 drones have been registered with the Federal Aviation Administration and that number is growing. The FAA predicts that there will be seven million drones in the United States by 2020.
With so many UAVs flying around in the air, knowing the proper protocols for flying your drone can save you a lot of hassle and leave more time for fun.
- Make sure to register your drone. They must be registered if they are above .55 pounds.
- Don’t harass people.
- Advise people you’ll be taking video or pictures of them before you do.
- Don’t fly over private property without permission.
- Respect the privacy of others.
- A drone or UAV may not be flown above 400 feet, per the FAA.
- Drone users must contact the airport and control tower before flying within five miles of an airport or heliport.
- If your UAV is involved in an accident, report it. The remote pilot in charge of a small drone is required by the FAA to report an accident within 10 days if it causes serious injury or damage to property in excess of $500.
As the sales of drones and UAVs increase—consumer drones make up 94 percent of total unit sales of drones—so does the need for UAV repair services. It’s quite thrilling to open a drone box and see a brand new drone ready to be flown. But for all the thrills that drone flying might provide, drones are often built to be light and powerful. That means they break quite often.
Whether you crash a drone into a tree, drive it into a lake or smash it into the side of a house, the need for UAV repair service takes on an increased importance. offers some helpful tips as well as links to YouTube videos for DIY drone repair.
Drone flyers also have the option of sending their drone to a UAV repair service center. While some repairs can be made at home, more in-depth repairs to critical components may be best left to professionals. DroneNerds is one place to look if you’re considering this option.
Another option for UAV repair service to send the drone back to the manufacturer. Some of them allow users to return a drone for repair several times within a year of purchase and typically have about a two-week turnaround. Other companies have live customer service available and most of them have coverage plans, which can cover damage and repairs of a certain period.
With the popularity of drones growing by the year, it’s important to follow local flying rules and also exercise common courtesy. Doing so will ensure that flying your drone is a source of happiness and entertainment rather than being a source of hassle and aggravation.