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Day: April 17, 2018

The Buddy System in Spearfishing Provides Safety and Backup

Spearfishing is one of the oldest methods of catching fish, going back as far as 16,000 years ago. The development of spearguns and underwater scuba diving have made it a popular activity for those who love adventure sports, the ocean, and fishing. As the sport has developed, there are three different variants: shore diving, boat diving and blue water or deep sea spearfishing. For all three kinds of diving, one basic safety rule is to never dive alone. The buddy system works best when everyone follows the rules of etiquette.

An ancient and popular sport
Spearfishing is a popular sport nowadays but it has its origins in ancient human cultures. Archeologists have found evidence, in the form of rock art, of people using spears to hunt fish in shallow water 16,000 years ago. The development of equipment like scuba diving and spearguns has made it a popular underwater adventure sport. Spearfishing can be done in shallow water from the shore, or from boats, Read More