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Month: April 2019

Skateboarding Isn’t Just For Kids A Fun Way To Exercise For Today’s Working American Adults

Exercise doesn’t have to be a dull chore. It can be the highlight of your day, actually!

A lot of this goes into choosing a form of exercise that speaks to you, personally. You don’t have to just trail after what everyone else is doing. Are you the type of person that regularly needs fresh air and hates being cooped up too long? Do you love showing off your competitive side and trying out new things? When you want a form of getting fit that adds a splash of fun to the process, you’ll want to consider picking up the automatic longboard.

“Wait…skateboarding?“, you might be saying. Yes, this sport isn’t just for kids! Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that come with adding skateboarding to your week.

Did You Know?

Step aside, teenagers! Skateboarding is fast becoming the go-to casual adult hobby taking the States by storm. There are over 15 million skateboarders in the United States, with more than 20 million ar Read More

Alaskan Lodge Vacation Packages that Provide Wonderful Experiences in Nature

Most of the American annual vacations take place domestically, with natural visits being exciting for families. With domestic travel containing about 2.25 billion personal trips, this represents the idea that there are either many new locations to visit or even locations where family or friends are located.

All Parts of the Alaskan Trip

A trip into the wilderness is an amazing vacation, and Alaska is one state where that can be enjoyed. Recently, it has been determined that almost 80% of Alaskan visitors travel to the area for pleasure, with these including almost half of all activities viewing wildlife as well as almost 40% of activities being day cruises, and over 30% being nature and hiking tours and the same about of sightseeing tours. Basically, the primary amount of activity for visitors to the state includes outdoor activity and sightseeing. Considering the fact that the amount of tourism in the Southeastern region of Alaska has remained consistent over the past de Read More

Football Another American Pastime

If you are looking to get your adrenaline pumping, look no further than football. While baseball has always been labeled “an American pastime,” one could argue that entertainment, in general, is more of an American pastime. Golf, football, baseball, hockey, they all serve the same purpose of riling up fans – especially arch-rivals, I’m looking at you Penguins and Flyers – making big plays and entertaining the masses. To be clear, we are discussing American football and not to be mistaken with what other countries, like England, call “football,” which is “soccer” in America.

What Is Football?

If you have been living under a rock and do not know what American football is, here is a grossly simplified version: two teams compete to score points by entering a specific goal zone, one on each end, with a cylindrical ball rather than a spherical one. The game usually lasts around 60 minutes. That is actually 10 minutes sh Read More