A Unique Vacation for Outdoor Enthusiasts

There are many types of vacations for people of all different preferences and like and dislikes. An ideal vacation to one person may not be very ideal to another. Some people enjoy outdoor adventures, including water and camping activities, while others prefer indoor adventures, maybe art and museums. For those outdoor adventure enthusiasts, Colorado River expeditions can be an exciting and once in a lifetime adventure. Colorado River expeditions can include canoeing, rowing or even white water rafting.
Today, about 77% of Americans view outdoor recreation as an important part of their lives. These people attempt to find ways to further enjoy the outdoors, and participating in an Arizona rafting adventure or a Colorado River raft trip is a great and unique way to do this. These trips offer much more than simply rafting. They offer beautiful views and scenery for all participants. They also offer many sightseeing options of local attractions, including the Grand Canyon. Many stopping points also have campgrounds and places for bonfires in the evenings.
Those who wish to participate in Colorado River expeditions, can white water raft, canoe or kayak through the areas. According to the latest available data, in 2012, there were approximately 12.47 million participants in kayaking in the U.S., up from 11.8 million the previous year.
The views that these Colorado River raft trips offer are one of a kind. Riders will get to view mountains, lands and water views that are not possible anywhere else. The Paiute Indian tribe calls the Canyon Kaibab, which means mountain lying down, or mountain turned upside down. The creamy white Kaibab Limestone forms the surface on which the park?s 5 million visitors stand while viewing the canyon. Those on a Colorado River expedition can either view the turned over mountain by rafting or canoeing by it, or by parking on shore, and walking to view the great scenery of the famous mountain area.
Colorado River rafting adventures are guided by professionals who are familiar with the area. They are not only there for any emergencies, but they are also available to provide the best, guided tour for all riders. They are able to point out any great scenery areas and can provide interesting information about the river and the nearby attractions. They are a great source for ensuring informational, educational and fun Colorado River expeditions.
Summer is quickly approaching, and people are figuring out their summer vacationing plans. They may be deciding between many options, and Colorado River expeditions are a great option for those who enjoy outdoor activities that are unique. The Colorado River tours offer a lot to riders, including great scenery, educational information and breathtaking views that are unable to compare to any other location.