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Category Archive : Custom fly reels

Choosing the right fly rod

In 2017, at least 49 million Americans took part in saltwater, freshwater, and fly fishing. Going by that statistic, it is important to note that fishing is becoming more popular for economic purposes and as a recreational activity. Fly fishing in rivers for salmon and trout is one of the most common types of recreational fishing. Usually, you are required to use a rod together with a synthetic fly as bait. To enjoy this sport, you need to ensure you have an efficient fly rod, fly reel, and other related fly outfits.

Choosing the right fly rod can be a very stressful and daunting endeavor. It is not as easier as simply walking into a fly shop and purchasing the fly rod. Before you make that purchase, there are a lot of factors you need to have put into consideration. Remember, you intend to get value for your money. Even more importantly, you want to enjoy your fly fishing expedition. For that to happen, you have to ensure you get the best fly rod for that upcoming event. Ho Read More