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Month: October 2018

Have you thought about replacing the carpet of your boat lately?

Do you and your family take your boat out every weekend in the nice weather to enjoy some rays and fish? Do you have a boat that means almost as much to you as your children do? If you do, or if the boat is the center of your weekend than perhaps it is time to change your marine carpet and make sure that your boat is in tip top shape for not only your family but for your company as well. Take care of your boat, boat carpet and your memories of fun sun shine on the water for many more years to come. Not sure how to go about marine carpet replacement? Then perhaps this is an article for you and your family to take a look at and understand before you go pulling up the old boat carpet and replacing it with a new boat carpet.

As far as marine carpet for boats goes, there are two types of boat flooring options. There is snap in boat carpet and glue down boat carpets. A snap in carpet is exactly as it sounds, these marine carpet Read More

Some OnCourt OffCourt Equipment You Need For Your Tennis Court

If you’re looking for a brand that you can count on for all your tennis-loving needs, then OnCourt OffCourt equipment is for you. As a designer of many different tennis court materials, OnCourt OffCourt brand tennis equipment is seriously respected in the tennis industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or an amateur tennis player, OnCourt OffCourt equipment has you covered.

Coach’s Cart

One of the first pieces of OnCourt OffCourt equipment you’re going to want for your home court is a coach’s cart. This product has a removable mesh divider cart with four-inch rubber wheels and vinyl-coated heavy gauge basket. It’s a convenient ball basket hanger, and you can purchase a hopper to go with it. It arrives fully assembled so all you can to do is screw in the wheels and go.

Score Board

Do you want to add a little friendly competition to your tennis matches? If you do, you can get yourself a scoreboard from OnCourt OffCourt. The Quick Score is a portable scorecard that sits right on top of the net. It’s high quality, clear to read, and extremely durable. This scorecard is also ideal for league players and teams to take on the road; it’s the only portable scoreboard that includes games and set scores.


Standard tennis courts measure 78 feet in length, and courts are typically 27 feet wide for singles matches and 36 feet wide for doubles matches. No matter what size your court is, OnCourt OffCourt has the right net for you.

Training aids

OnCourt OffCourt offers a variety of training aids that are great for any beginner tennis player. You can practice your serve, swing, aim, and more with these awesome training aids.

Trash can

Last, but not least, you probably want some OnCourt OffCourt equipment that will help you keep your tennis court clean. Well, this amazing brand sells the CourtCan. This trash can conveniently collects and separates tennis balls from trash. It can help up to 50 balls and uses standard 40 gallon trash bags. It comes in black or green so you can choose one that fits well with your tennis court.

OnCourt OffCourt if a great brand, and here at All Star Tennis Supply, we carry tons of their products. Check out our inventory today if you’re ready to purchase some OnCourt OffCourt equipment.

Play golf in the rain without ever sinking your club into mud or losing your ball to muck

The game of golf originated in Scotland over 500 years ago. The sport that is so widely accepted and loved throughout the United States today has roots in grassy green hills. By the early 1900s there were more than 1000 golf clubs within the United States, we’re sure that since then this number has simply kept up growing. With so many individuals practicing and perfecting their swings and hole in ones, there are over 2.2 million people who play this game for the fun of it. Who would have thought that hitting a ball into a tiny hole could be such an entertaining affair? Golf generates more than 3.9 billion dollars for charities every year! That’s more than many other sports! But how exactly do you become the best at a sport you can only play in the spring or summer seasons? Perhaps this is where a golf simulator would come in handy.

A high definition golf simulator can give you the look and feel of being out on the golf cou Read More

How Sticky Spray And Sticky Gloves Can Help Improve Your Football Skills

As one of the most popular sports in the United States, football appeals to fans of all ages. According to CNS News, as of 2016, there more than one million high school football players in the U.S. Data from the Sports and Fitness Industry Association from 2016, indicated that more than 1.2 million kids aged 6-12 played tackle football in 2015.

As a game based on skill, players, especially those in skill positions are always looking for the next great piece of equipment to help them gain an edge over opponents.

Of all the tools in a football player’s arsenal— footballs, helmets, pads and mouth guards —a glove might be one of the most important in terms of having success. Gloves not only help improve grip on the football, they help players deal with weather conditions and also physical conditions.

When it comes to keeping a grip on the ball, no position places a premium on this more than receivers. As the players entrusted with catching the ball and scoring a large number Read More

Get a Grip! Football Gloves Sticky Spray

There are so many popular sports that we enjoy playing and watching–especially playing. For instance, let’s consider the number of players (ages six and older) who joined in on games of tackle football. The total was about 5.22 million in 2017!

And in addition to the folks participating in sporting events themselves, there is also one more aspect to the world of sports: the huge “field”, or business, of sports accessories.

Ask anyone and they will be able to name some types of sports-related items to you: football gloves, custom football towels–the list goes on and on. But one of the most important sports-related items is football gloves sticky spray.

Football gloves sticky spray is a product that is used to help keep a good football grip and prevent an individual from dropping the ball, or having the ball slip out of their hands.

We all know what a disaster it is if a quarterback or anyone on a football team lets the ball get out of their hands. This is especial Read More

Muay Thai For Health and Defense

It has often been noted that many Americans today, both children and adults, are not as physically active as they should be. The human body is designed to move, to burn excess calories and fat, and improve mood and concentration. But too often, sedentary lifestyles take over, compounded in recent decades by electronic screens. In fact, about 66% of parents today are concerned that their kids spend too much time on electronic devices, such as smart phones, handheld game systems, television, and PC. Among adults, meanwhile, under 5% take part in 30 minutes of physical activity like they all should, and only one in three adults get the amount of exercise for each week. The good news is that exercise does not have to be boring or simple. Martial arts of many kinds are thrilling ways to work out and learn self-defense, and Muay Thai, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and more promise a fun new skill and a good sweat at the same time.

Already, there are plenty of kids and adults who take Read More

How To Get Your Kids To Exercise Regularly

As a parent, you may have many concerns about how your kids spend their time. During the school year, you may want them to relax and play on the weekends. Once summer comes, working parents may find it challenging to keep their children busy in ways that are physically and mentally productive. Many parents find they can provide valuable experiences for their children by sending them to summer camps.

Summer camp experiences can vary from place to place. Some churches offer day camps or join together with other churches to offer inexpensive sleepaway camps that provide enjoyable activities. Parents who want their children to grow in their faith often prefer these camps for their kids, and they may view the camp costs as an investment in their kids’ spiritual growth.

Although most summer camp experiences are designed for children of elementary school age or older, parents may also find summer camp for 4 year olds at a YMCA or local daycare center. Things to do at summer camp usually include some indoor activities (like crafts), but many camps highlight outdoor experiences. Older kids may enjoy extreme activities such as zip-lining, wilderness camping, or whitewater rafting.

For people of all ages, movement is important. Movement keeps us healthy both in body as well as in mind. Movement provides us with hobbies and even passions. Movement on a very basic level simply gets us to where we need to go.

Movement is important for adults, of course, and for teenagers and even the elderly population, but movement on a regular basis is especially important for young children. In fact, it has been recommended by the APA – the American Academy of Pediatrics – that children who are no younger than two and no older than five be practicing their motor skills on a regular basis.

These motor skills, ranging from tumbling to running to throwing and catching, are essential for brain development, and regular moving around is what develops them. There is a relatively short window for the motor skills of young children to become fully developed. It has even been found that if children do not fully develop their motor skills by the time that they reach the age of six, it is highly unlikely that they ever will, something that can put said children at a lifelong defecit.

Exercise is important for older kids as well, and it is even recommended that those children who are between the ages of six years and seventeen years get at least sixty minutes of exercise each and every day. This exercise can vary – and can even just mean walking vigorously – but it is a highly important thing. It can alleviate bad moods as well as promote physical health and it sets up the habit of exercise for children and teens well past their youthful years. Instilling such values and habits young is absolutely key to raising healthy youngsters into healthy adults and even beyond.

Unfortunately, kids are moving around less than ever before, with only about one third of all kids – less than a full half – getting up and moving ever day. Much of this lack of movement among kids can be directly attributed to the growing prevalence of screens here and all throughout our society. From tv screens to phone screens to computer screens to tablet screens, screens are, to put it simply, just about everywhere. In fact, the average child in the United States is likely to spend as many as seven and a half hours in front of a screen, thus limiting their time to exercise, something that many children are very much feeling the lack of in their day to day lives.

Putting your child in a structured class that promotes movement and general physical activity is likely to help with this problem. Gymnastics for kids, for example, provides a great way to do so. Gymnastics for kids can likely be found in your local gymnastics classes and gymnastics for kids is likely to be offered for all age groups and ability levels.

The benefits of gymnastics classes are certainly impressive, as gymnastics for kids tends to hit upon all the areas of motor development that are necessary. Classes specified for gymnastics for kids will also be great for the building of strength and flexibility, two important components for a body that is overall a very healthy one.

On top of this, enrolling your child in gymnastics for kids is likely to allow them to broaden their social horizons as well. In fact, many children, especially young girls, who participate in gymnastics for kids go on to enjoy the world of cheerleading. Former gymnasts are so prevalent on cheerleading teams that more than ninety five percent (ninety eight percent, to be more exact) of all cheerleaders were once gymnasts.

And as up to eighty percent of all schools here in the United States, public and private alike, boast cheerleading teams, many young people are able to participate in the sport. Cheerleading is the perfect next step after gymnastics for kids, as it promotes team building and the development of friendships. Of course, cheerleading is also physically demanding and a great way for kids to stay in shape even after they have stopped gymnastics for kids. Both, however, have been a great way to get kids moving.